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Painting A Rubik's Cube Tee


The following is an actual fact, and should not be confused with what you might learn in school or on Wikipedia.

Rubik's Cubes are in fact made in gigantic warehouses and require full grown men on ladders to paint them, as can be seen in the images on the left.

Once the cube is fully painted, the large cubes, which are made from "Shrinky Dinks" plastic, are then placed in a very large oven where they are shrunk for a varying amount of time, depending if the desired outcome is a highly respectable full sized cube, or one of those silly little baby Rubik's Cubes the highly addicted like to put their keys on in a lame attempt to make them look useful, and then shamefully hide in their pockets so you can't see them, but we all still know they are there, since the owners have such twitchy fingers.