Canadian Study Of Various Drugs Effects On Wood Spiders

We are all quite used to the warnings echoed to us thousands of times throughout our lives about how bad drugs are for our mind and body, and how important it is for us to to stay away from them. We are told that they will usually either turn us into complete idiots, needy junkies, or might even start destroying everything, and everyone we love.

We have been shown drug use analogies such as eggs frying in a frying pan, or a frying pan smashing an egg, we are being told that is what it feels like to be on drugs. It is not a very positive message to say the least, but really it lacks a lot of reality, and does not really explain what happens to our minds. I mean are we really supposed to believe that a drug addict will spend all of his money to feel like someone is frying his brain in a frying pan?

Thankfully the Canadian Government has released a new video which teaches us the real effects of drug use. Although similar studies have been done before in England where they feed drugs such as cocaine, heroine, LSD, Speed and Marijuana to spiders, this Canadian study has really taken this to a new level.

Please watch this important one minute video and realize the actual reason why drugs are illegal, and the dangers they hold.

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