The Universe, God and Everything Else

There are many different theories on the creation of the universe, all religions throughout time have their own opinions on the subject. True believers are often willing to argue about it and sometimes even get furious enough to fight wars in the name of it.

Personally I subscribe to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism as shown here:

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Master of Creation

Most people grow up believing the same things their parents did, especially if the opinions are shared by others that live around them, and taught to them as fact.

However Stephen Hawkins has an idea based on what we can supposedly “observe in the universe” that it all came from some kind of “Big Bang”. Why don’t you have a short listen to what Mr Hawkins and Carl Sagan have to say, and see if you think it is possible.

The video is only 10 minutes long and definitely should be watched.

I found personally his works have now become so main stream, I almost bought into his theories…but no, I will not to betray Mr Spaghetti Monster. How can you ignore the facts,  we have photographic proof that he is the one pushing the planets around.

Spaghetti Monster Sunrise

Actual Photograph of the Creator Moving Our Universe

Ween – If You Could Save Yourself, You’d Save Us All – Lyrics and Video

It has been a while since I posted some music here, though I listen to it constantly as I work and write.

One song I have been listening to by Ween I thought I would post here, because it is just so filled with powerful emotions, and has many parts to it I think we can all relate to from one point of our life to another.

I was not able to find the official video to this song if there is one, but this fan made video with the works of a very good sand artist is very interesting and is worth watching in its own right.

Ween – If You Could Save Yourself, You’d Save Us All – Lyrics

On a free ride home from the embassy
I saw the governor, and his lover holding hands
When I got to my place, I emptied my suitcase
And opened the windows wide

If you could save yourself, you’d save us all
Is that what you called me for, is that why you’re knocking on my door?
The time I’ve spent, working myself to death
Thought that’s what you wanted
I thought you needed my help
To make it good again, to make us strong
To make you happy, to push you along
And gain some respect, to be thrown a crumb
I was on my knees, when you knocked me down

The wheels fell off, the bottom dropped out
The checks all bounced, I came in your mouth
Your mother came calling but there was no one around
The trash caught fire when the leaves turned brown
The vultures were circling when the circus left town
I left you a note but I wrote it in disappearing ink

If you could save yourself, you’d save us all
Is that what you called me for, is that why you’re knocking on my door?
The time I’ve spent, working myself to death
Thought that’s what you wanted
I thought you needed my help
To make it good again, to make us strong
To make you happy, to push you along
And gain some respect, to be thrown a crumb
I was on my knees, when you knocked me down

Crank it up and enjoy.

Ween – If You Could Save Yourself, You’d Save Us All – Lyrics

Space Chimp Video WWF

This video I have heard mentioned around the Internet for quite a while, so I decided to Google it and have a watch.

This is quite an entertaining film. Produced by the World Wildlife Federation, with music from Ben Lee


In Soviet Russia Transformer Changes You !!!

Look at this gem of a short film I found while surfing some Russian website. I thought this was going to be really cheezy, but its not. It is actualy quite polished and even a bit funny for an amature production out of Russia.

This video was created by Alex Semenov inspired by the Transformers movies of late, have a look and enjoy!

Spy Cat Looks In Window

Check out this sneaky little guy, thank goodness cats haven’t learned to use video cameras yet, last thing you need is little guys like this peering into your house and filming you. Maybe they would put it all over the Internet for money to buy fish and catnip and stuff.

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