Good Monkey Like Beer, Not Like Banana T-Shirt
On March 8, 2010, my college Joe and I were brought to the Tuktoyaktuk headquarters of the NWO to have a meeting with “The Monkey”
Part of my work as a traveling photo journalist working on secret contract for the NWO, is of course the study of monkeys. In this case actually a Chimpanzee, who is not really a monkey, but this one believes he is so we wont argue with him. We were told The Monkey had a message to share with the world, and that we were here to collect, and publish it.
Upon arrival, we were guided through heavy security to a large room on top of the fortress. We waited a few minutes, then were instructed by a large heavily armed guard that The Monkey would see us now.
We followed the guard into a very large room that almost took up an entire floor of the huge fortress, books covered the walls, and there was a large lit fireplace with a reading lamp next to an beautiful leather armchair.
The Monkey was in the chair stoking the fire a bit with a black metal rod, after a moment, he looked up at us with his wise, all knowing eyes.
He said, “You know, it has always been to my belief, after meeting with my fellow monkey companions, that in order to become above average, and considered a ” Good monkey”, you must do things differently than most of the masses.
The monkey took a long pause, and looked thoughtfully around the room, there was a shine in his eyes, I am not sure if it was from the fire, or some sort of internal glow fueled by his great wisdom.
“What is your secret?” I asked him.
The Monkey picked up an ice cold bottle of beer from beside his chair, put on his headphones and began to sway to some music that my associate and I couldn’t hear, then he said something I will never forget.
“Good Monkey Like Beer Not Like Banana.”