The Legend Of Bud The Kitty Jockey

Funny Kitty Jockey Shirt

Kitty Jockey Shirt
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Bud was a small bullied child, who grew up to be a small bullied man. As an adult, Bud became a world famous horse jockey, but even with fame and fortune, adults, teenagers, and other jockeys continued to bully him.

Determined to get respect, Bud decided to take some of the various performance enhancing horse medicines found at work, and exercised hard for several years, but was still not able to get any respect.

One lonely day Bud bought a kitten from the pet store, and as the kitty jumped around on places he should not have, he eventually knocked over a vial of Bud’s enhancements, and lapped it all up with a Purr.

Bud’s beloved little kitty became very very large, playful, and dangerous. So Bud grabbed his horse taming rope from work and brought him under control. After some thought, Bud decided to saddle kitty up.

Bud no longer cared about any respect as he rode out that Moonlit evening, that night he had only revenge on his mind.

Kitty Jockey Shirt

The Need To Lead

A few years ago now on a summer weekend afternoon, I had a conversation with my girlfriend at the time, Charlene, that has stuck in my head quite a bit over recent years. We had made plans to spend the day together, and she had just arrived outside my condo for the two of us to go off on our adventure.

She asked me “So, where do you want to go ?”

Having only lived in my current city for about a year I replied “I don’t know this area very well, why don’t you take me somewhere ?”

She was stunned a bit for a second then said “You know, I don’t think I have ever been asked that before, everyone always takes me everywhere.”

Batman Must Always Lead

After a bit of thinking, Charlene took me on an amazing tour of the area, including two wonderful lakes, one of which had a huge sand building competition on it that day, which Charlene had already been aware of, and the other had a great cliff side view of the surrounding forest and lake which we first ate lunch at, and then hiked down for a private swim. After we hiked back up to the car she then took me to a great restaurant for dinner where we stayed for several hours afterwords to drink beer and listen to the live blues band.

I found it quite amazing that no one had ever asked Charlene in all her thirty years of living in the same area, where she wanted to go. This though of course was of great benefit to me, because by her sitting in the passenger seat all these years, she had collected a huge knowledge of good things to do, and the best of it all this knowledge had been delivered to me on this day. Needless to say I wanted to see more the next time she came over, and she had more than a few days of things for us to do that were of great interest, all of which I added to my own list of things to do in the area when people visited me from out of town.

I wondered a bit more to myself why no one had ever asked her before what she wanted to do, she was often quiet, but quite obviously bright. I am guessing it was mostly because in groups there is usually that one person that really feels the need to lead everyone all the time, and that was just not the way she was. Usually those that force themselves on us as the leader are a type “A” personality, and Charlene was defiantly not one of these.

Funny Leadership

Now don’t get me wrong, leadership is a wonderful thing, and necessary if you want to get things done efficiently, you need a leader. I lead my household around most of the time, but not always, and I also lead my employees, but feeling the need to be leading everyone around all of the time, is a massive weakness of personality in my books.

In my opinion, constant leaders usually have the least knowledge of anyone in the group, as all of their less than vast knowledge is quickly shared to the masses who usually, due to their ability to sometimes follow, both individually and collectively know more. So if you yourself feel the need to lead constantly, you might want to consider taking a back seat sometimes to let a more knowledgeable person show you around, that way when you do take control, people won’t always be quietly wishing they were somewhere else.

Please Keep Your Freedumb Away From My Freedom

I am just days away from a two week holiday to my hometown of Vancouver Canada, it is always nice to see the west coast of Canada in the spring, often during this time of year the trees will blossom, adding some incredible colors to the already beautiful scenery, and a sweet scent to the cool fresh air. I am also of course very much looking forward to seeing my family and friends, who are the reason for the trip.

After making some plans to visit friends, a discussion about me started amongst my various acquaintances back home, and eventually, some of this discussion came back to me though hearsay. Apparently not all of my friends think I am doing very well in life, and by their measurement, which is salary, I guess I am not, but I do not measure my life in salary, if I did I would have kept some of the high paying jobs I had in the past, or taken some that were offered to me along the way, but I did not, because instead of salary, I measure my life in how much free time I get to experience, free time I often spend with my son, or traveling, reading, and writing.

Consumer PrisionerInevitably during my trip back to Canada as I visit with the few friends that can find enough time off work to see me, they may give me advice, as they often have before, about how I should change my life to be more like theirs, forgetting that I had lived that way for too many years already, with the waking up to an alarm, rushing to work, wearing a shirt, tie and black socks, eating when I’m told to, and then rushing back home at the end of the day. Many just can’t seem to understand that even though I hardly make any money at all by writing, programming, and selling shirts on the internet for a living, it is exactly the type of life I hope to live forever. To me what I have is something closer to true freedom, than the common illusion of it, which is humorously defined on the web today as freedumb.

As they suggest I dust off my work clothing, which I assume still exists somewhere in my closet, to get a “real job”, and make some real money, I will likely just nod politely, and think to myself, “Please keep your freedumb away from my freedom.”

Below are three videos, with a combined total of only seven minutes, they are all great clips, that I feel relate perfectly to normal corporate life and real freedom.


Go The Fok To Sleep – Reading by Samuel L Jackson

Next time you or someone you love are having a hard time sleeping, please consider listening to Samuel L Jackson soothing voice as he lulls you and your children to sleep with some lovely stories of sparrows, sleeping tigers, flowers, and mountains.

A book titled Go The Fok To Sleep by Adam Mansbach

Sith Happens Shirt – Vader

Darth Vader Sith Happens Shirt

Sith Happens Shirt Click Image

One of the prime teachings of Sithism is that as sure as Dagobahs gnarltrees will petrify, eventually Sith will Happen.

The phrase “Sith Happens” is used commonly throughout the universe to explain an unpredictable and disturbing randomness. For example, occasionally due to the inability of a nav computer to calculate asteroids deflecting off one another during the course of hyperspace, “sith would happen”, as broadcast news reported on the loss of lives, it would inevitable close the report using the phrase “Sith Happens” as a reminder to the general populous that random turns of events are sometimes unavoidable.

Sometimes “Sith Happens” can be used with a air of dark humor, surveillance tapes of operation Knightfall, showed Darth Vader using the term repeatedly as he slay his fellow jedi. Often as the innocent victims fell, they asked “Why?” to which Darth would reply, “Sith Happens”.

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