Funny Fast Food T-Shirt – Dog and Cat

Fast Food Dog and Cat

Fast Food – Click Image

Though “Fast Food” in modern English usually describes paper wrapped greasy food products peddled by clowns, the term does have a much longer history.

The oldest known use of the term “Fast Food” has been discovered inside France’s Lascaux caves, though the caves are famous for 20,000+ year old wall drawings, a stone slab formation deeper in the cave had never been investigated until recently, scientists believe it to be some sort of primitive dog house.

Anthropologists suggest since man lived nearer the cave entrance than this dog, it could mean that man, was protecting the dog, possibly even worshiping him. An image, is etched inside of the dog house of a dog chasing a cat, captioned,”Fast Food”. The well chewed etching tool found near by, may have been used by the dog.

This may also explain the importance of the word “Dog” spelt backwards.

Fast Food Shirt

Paws Shirt

Paws Shirt Kitten Jaws

Paws Shirt – Click Image

After a long night of very heavy tequila drinking with my friends at the beach, I decided I should sober myself up a bit before driving home, so I took off all my clothing, ran into the ocean, and swam out into the dark deep sea.

I enjoyed the feeling of freedom I had, and just swam and swam further out into the calm ocean. I felt at one with the water, like we were both one living breathing organism all wrapped in a warm blanket by the fire enjoying an iced cappuccino. Then all of a sudden I heard

duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn

This really scared me so I swam faster.

Moments later, coming up from below me, I though I heard the sound of a giant purring kitten, and then… everything went dark.

Birds Beware Iron Cat Is Here

If you pick on someone, usually they will let it go, but if you really strike a nerve, the victim may put his mind towards revenge.

Have a watch of Iron Cat.

Thug Life Cat Shirt

Thug Life Cat Shirt


“Thug Cat” was born in an overpopulated alley in an overpopulated city. As a young cat, he grew up without the luxuries of a home. Instead of having a toy mouse filled with catnip to chew on, Thug had live rats filled with malice who sometimes chewed on him. Thug Cat’s usual scratching post was climbing up the sides of the old rusty dumpsters behind Tony’s pizzeria.

Fights often broke out in the dumpster over the food. A young Thug Cat was never strong enough to overpower other cats for a taste of fish, however as Thug got older, he grew into a rather large cat, who then learned how to stand on his hind legs, wear a hoodie, and carry a bat, things changed.

Thug Cat now takes what he wants.


Thug Life Cat Shirt

When Your Cat Is More Thug Than You

This just needs to be shared.

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