Computer Problem Solving Flowchart – Funny Shirt

Problem Solving Computer Flowchart

The Solution to all Computer Problems at Work. - Click Image $17.99 USD

Computers can be a frustrating thing, it is very difficult to try and find the origins and solution to the issues your computer will give you over time.

However, if you have a problem with your computer at work, now you can get this fail safe guide to solving it. Just follow these simple steps and all of your problems will be a thing of the past.

Thankfully this Computer Problem Solving Flowchart comes in the amazingly easy to carry format of being an actual t-shirt, what will they think of next?!

Computers can be a frustrating thing, it is very difficult to try and find the origins and solution to the issues your computer will give you over time.

However, if you have a problem with your computer at work, now you can get this failsafe guide to solving it. Just follow these simple steps and all of your problems will be a thing of the past.

Thankfully this Computer Problem Solving Flowchart comes in the amazingly easy to carry format of being an actual t-shirt, what will they think of next?!

Something, somewhere went terribly wrong – Funny T-Shirt

Something, Somewhere Went Terribly Wrong Funny Evolution Parody Tee

Funny Something, somewhere went terribly wrong Shirt - Click Image $17.99

Man has come a long way since he first came down from the trees and started to spend his time walking on the earth.

First it is predicted of course he was on all fours most of the time like most of the great apes.

As he began to stand upright he started to use his now free hands to carry tools he would make.

First things like knives which he could use for cutting plants to make clothing and houses. As well as fashioning weapons.

Then onwards into manufacturing farming equipment.

But Somewhere something went terribly wrong.

You can see by the design man constantly progressed upwards into a fully erect state, but then recently with the invention of the computer, we are again progressing downwards.

Hope you enjoy the shirt, it is definitely a top seller for us, you can click on the image to see more pictures and purchase.

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