Funny Fast Food T-Shirt – Dog and Cat

Fast Food Dog and Cat

Fast Food – Click Image

Though “Fast Food” in modern English usually describes paper wrapped greasy food products peddled by clowns, the term does have a much longer history.

The oldest known use of the term “Fast Food” has been discovered inside France’s Lascaux caves, though the caves are famous for 20,000+ year old wall drawings, a stone slab formation deeper in the cave had never been investigated until recently, scientists believe it to be some sort of primitive dog house.

Anthropologists suggest since man lived nearer the cave entrance than this dog, it could mean that man, was protecting the dog, possibly even worshiping him. An image, is etched inside of the dog house of a dog chasing a cat, captioned,”Fast Food”. The well chewed etching tool found near by, may have been used by the dog.

This may also explain the importance of the word “Dog” spelt backwards.

Fast Food Shirt

So He Killed Your Dad Shirt

So He Killed Your Dad Shirt

So He Killed Your Dad Shirt - Click Image $19.99 USD

I wish I had missed my trip to the grocery store today, had not wandered towards the magazine racks, or stopped to thumb through “Fowls Of Fortune” magazine. If only I had forgotten my wallet, or lost the book on my way back home, then I couldn’t have responded to the classified advertisement in it’s back pages, and this sinister rendezvous would not be taking place.

My stomach is sick with the realization that I will soon have blood on my hands.

Out of shadows steps a dark figure, his face creased with the memories of the many evil things he employs himself to do. With my envelope of payment, the man in white, is now destined to pay for his deeds.

The large thug speaks, pointing towards a large image of the target, pasted on the white man’s house, “So, He Killed your dad ?”

Evolution Monkey to Pig Shirt – Funny Evolution Parody Tee

Evolution From Monkey to a Pig

Evolution Monkey to Man to Pig - Click Image $19.99

We are all used to the diagrams of human evolution, how man progresses constantly to our current state of being, or at least the state of being that we were in in the first halve of the twentieth century.

This diagramĀ  is a little more up to date, the beginning is fairly common, of course the first picture shows man in his already ape like form, having shed the tail already.

He then moves into a two legged walking position and begins to carry tools.

The next stage of the evolution man is walking almost upright and carrying a spear.

In the yellow we can see man in his prime, he is walking fully erect and carrying a rather large machine gun.

Now we move onto our current state of being, balding, fat, sipping a milkshake, eating a hamburger, and a yellow tattoo of the “Golden Arches” M on the leg. This is the evolution due to fast food.

And of course the next stage in the progression is the pig.

This shirt is really quite hilarious if you have a good look at it, and oh so true.

Although the image on the left is not really big enough to have a good look, if you click on it it will take you to the product page with larger images and closeups.

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