Ovolution – Funny Egg to Chicken to Roasted Chicken Shirt – Evolution Parody
Actual Facts:
Quite often we all see images of human evolution, from monkey, to ape to caveman and onwards up to our current form of human self.
We don’t often however look at illustrations of animal evolution. Which in this case, the case of chickens, we would call Ovolution.
This concept of chicken ovolution was first predicted by Nostradamus in 1556, it was forgotten through medieval times but was remembered one night again by Benjamin Franklin in 1784.
The phrase Ovolution was coined that night by Benjamin, as he mentioned it to his friend, Bob, before passing out from too much to smoke. His friend snickered, but by morning both had forgotten completely about the concept.
Einstein explored this undocumented theory of ovolution in depth, and managed to make a sketch of it on the piece of paper that first contained the E=MC2 formula.
In fact the first theories of nuclear fusion, came from the splitting of eggs Einstein was doing in the kitchen, he often threw eggs together and was amazed at the explosions created.
Finally the important Theory of Ovolution drawings have become part of public knowledge, and you can even purchase them on this fashionable T-Shirt.
You can click on the image above to get your own stylish Chicken Ovolution shirt and become a part of history.