Pac-Man Planet Eater Shirt

Pac-Man Planet Eater Shirt

Pac-Man Planet Eater Shirt – Click Image

In the early days of Pac Man, Pac was always contained within a ROM chip. Now and then he would be released from the ROM to run around a maze eating various sorts of pellets for a while until either the power was cut, or the game would reset him back to the chip.
Pac Man’s life continued like this for decades, although moving from one platform to another, he was contained to short bursts of feeding frenzies. However with the popularization of the internet an online version of Pac Man was launched. This new Pac Man knew no bounds, he was not limited by time, and was able to continue his feeding frenzy until today.
The uncontrolled calorie intake of Pac over the years eventually grew him into a massive monstrosity, and as he grew so did his appetite, the exponential growth of his all consuming mass is now beyond containment or control. Our solar system will be the first to fall, but no where in the universe will be safe for long.

Pac-Man Planet Eater Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt – Click Image

Pac-Man? Yeah I knew him, but I haven’t seen him in years now. Do you know why we called him Pac-Man? He used to eat so many pills, packs of them each day, and one day we took the pills away, so Pac got really angry and started chasing us around the house shouting. “Give me the Pack Man! Give me the Pack man!”, so Pac-Man became his nickname.

He was a real “Mental Warrior”, each day he fought an epic battle inside his head against hallucinated ghosts, which he thought were trying to eat him. He used to run all over the house, trying to get away from his ghosts, and then all of a sudden he would reach in his pocket, and bring out what he called his “Power Pellet”, eat it, and turn around all powerful like, to chase down his ghosts for a while. Pac didn’t just do this now and then, this was his lifestyle.

Other than the pills, the guy hardly ate, just a bit of fruit, or maybe a pretzel now and then.

I haven’t seen Pac for years now, last I saw him he ran into a tunnel screaming “Ghosts!”, and then he just sort of vanished.

Pac Man Pill Eater Shirt

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