The Joker Yoda Shirt

Yoda Joker Shirt

Serious Why So ? Click Image

There I was, minding my own business, casually wandering around the jungles of Borneo, when all of a sudden this funny looking orangutan jumps out of the bush wearing a potato sack, and starts talking to me.

“Know how I got these scars want to, hmmm? Drinker, my father was, one night, crazier than usual, he is. Hmmm. To defend herself mommy gets lightsaber. He likes not that. Not one bit. So to her, with me watching, he takes lightsaber, laughing while he does, to me turns and he says. Yes, hmmm. “Serious why so Yoda?” My mouth he sticks the saber in. Yeesssssss. “Put a smile on that face, let us!” And…Serious why so?”

“So me ask you now, since here you are, ever dance with a wookie in the pale moon light did you, hmm?”

WTF?! I turned and ran.

Yoda Joker Shirt

Surfer Trooper Shirt

Surfer Storm Trooper Star Wars Shirt

Surfer Trooper Shirt – Click Image

I have occasionally struggled with the meaning of my life, but sometimes it’s meaning is clear.

I was grown in a lab, as were my brothers before me. My life’s ambitions were laid out for me as a child. I would serve my master, and fight for my brothers.

At times I wonder why I am so willing to kill and die for the needs of my master, but I’ve never had any desire to rebel from him, my brothers serve him, and that is good enough for me. Though my masters have change over time, and my friends have become enemies, it is all right, this is my life, and this is how I live it.

When I have some time away from the demands of constant war, I take my surfboard and go enjoy riding the waves. I can understand the waves, they served the earth, as I do my masters, we have a connection that is as deep as my soul.

Surfer Trooper T-Shirt

Danger Panda Shirt

Dangerous Panda Tee

Danger Panda T-Shirt – Click Image

Danger Panda was arrested nearly a decade ago as he was found with his friends robbing, and destroying a local drug store. During the arrest his friends were killed for attacking the police. One of the arresting officers mistook Danger Panda for a victim in the robbery, and as he tried to offer him help, Danger Panda murdered him.

Danger Panda was a psychotic, drug-ridden, and all together bad teenage Panda. He was thrown in a dark hole, tried, and sentenced to execution by lethal injection. He was injected with a substance and told it would be fatal. Instead of dying, however, he woke up in a white jail cell, with an intelligence officer, who informs him that an alternate to execution exists: he can receive covert government training as an assassin. He accepted the bid, was rigorously trained, and returned to society as a seemingly normal and gentle civilian. He had evolved from simply being a bad panda, into a bad ass panda.

Danger Panda Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt

Pac-Man Pill Muncher Shirt – Click Image

Pac-Man? Yeah I knew him, but I haven’t seen him in years now. Do you know why we called him Pac-Man? He used to eat so many pills, packs of them each day, and one day we took the pills away, so Pac got really angry and started chasing us around the house shouting. “Give me the Pack Man! Give me the Pack man!”, so Pac-Man became his nickname.

He was a real “Mental Warrior”, each day he fought an epic battle inside his head against hallucinated ghosts, which he thought were trying to eat him. He used to run all over the house, trying to get away from his ghosts, and then all of a sudden he would reach in his pocket, and bring out what he called his “Power Pellet”, eat it, and turn around all powerful like, to chase down his ghosts for a while. Pac didn’t just do this now and then, this was his lifestyle.

Other than the pills, the guy hardly ate, just a bit of fruit, or maybe a pretzel now and then.

I haven’t seen Pac for years now, last I saw him he ran into a tunnel screaming “Ghosts!”, and then he just sort of vanished.

Pac Man Pill Eater Shirt

Don’t Touch That Cookie

Unfortunately in life, many people who know what is right and wrong, still choose the wrong path. Their selfish actions hurt others around them, and causes unnecessary misery. Their victims, unable to avenge themselves, often take comfort in the belief that somewhere down the line, whether in this life or the next, karma will eventually pay them back.

Of course sometimes it is the blue face of Karma itself which sends them on to the next life…

Cookie Monster Wrestling Shirt

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