Security Camera Footage Of Actual Ghost.

I don’t know what it is, if it the approach of Halloween, or because the long nights are coming to the Norther Hemisphere, but there have been a large increase in ghost sightings over in the last week

I would not normally want to post anything Ghost related here because some cultures  say thinking about ghosts too much give them power, but video should definitely not be missed. It is one of the most powerful videos of all time and needs to be studied closely.

Children should leave the room.

Do you believe this was a real ghost?

Egg Angel Shirt – Funny Egg to Chick Angel Tee – Baby Chicken Ghost

Egg to Baby Chick Angel Tee

Funny Egg to Baby Chicken Angel Shirt- Click Image $17.99

Day in day out people are eating eggs.

Of all the things most people do in their lives, cracking an egg is probably one of the most common.

Recently a French photographer named Louise La Francious was on a photographic assignment to Tuktoyaktuk Canada, where he took this amazing photograph of the actual moment where the egg seemed to release a spirit.

This could be disturbing to some people that eggs actually contain these little chicken spirits, but as you can see from the photograph the little chick actually looks quite happy, and the halo on his head shows the little guy is on his way up to  heaven.

This is a fairly new t-shirt for us, it has done quite well, we had it on Digg for a while and it was very well received.

We hope you enjoy the shirt.

You can click on the image to see more Photographs or purchase the shirt.

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