Scream Panda Shirt

Scream Panda T-Shirt

Scream Panda Shirt – Click Image

Lighting flashes through the dark sky, and a cold heavy rain falls on the late night delivery truck as it lowers it’s precious cargo down from the rear. Curious zoo workers look in at the young panda, sitting very still at the back of it’s cage, facing the wall, seeming too focused on his own thoughts, to be interested in where he is, or the commotion around him.

The cage touches the ground, and the sky explodes in a blinding flash of lightning, a deafening clap of thunder follows, and a disoriented moment later, the workers notice the cage is now empty, except for a claw etched image of a ghostly figure on it’s back wall.

A passing crazy old guy begins to shout, “Evil will no longer allow itself to be contained !” and begins to slowly unbutton his trousers.

Scream Panda Shirt

Teaching Dolph About Teamwork – Hilarious Teamwork Shirt

Teamwork Shirt

A Lesson In Teamwork - Click Image For Shirt

Life was pretty tough in my teen years, not only did I have a lot of chores, schedules, rules, physical changes, and homework, but I also had a bully named Dolph.

Dolph was not a normal bully, he was an exceptional one. He was three years older, and almost seven feet tall. At lunch, he would normally first eat a full roasted chicken, and carton of milk, followed by many of his classmates lunches. He was huge, but not fat, Dolph used boxing, and weight lifting to stay fit. He said his eventual  goal was to become a real life monster.

Dolph had complete domination over our school, even the teachers didn’t want him upset. One day I got sick of him eating my lunch, as did my friends, so the next day after school, my friends and I taught Dolph a lesson in Teamwork.

Toy Soldier Band Shirt

Army Band Shirt Toy Soldiers With Guitars

Cli9ck Image $17.99 USD

My Great Uncle Tom passed away when I was six, and willed me a small, closed, brown cardboard box. On the top was written “Only Open in Case of Emergency”.

I carried the box with me everywhere, it gave me great confidence. At night I slept with it on a table next to my bed.

One day a local bully, Dolph, knocked me off my bike on my way home from school. He said he was going to kill me! So I quickly reached for my box and tore it open.

A small light seemed to emulate from the box the instant I cracked its seal. Inside I found three small toy soldiers. Two were using guitars like weapons, and one was dialing in the sound.

I held them out in front of me for protection. Dolph kicked me in the nuts, stole my toy soldiers, and let me live.

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