Turtle Does the Butt Dance
One day a long time ago, when I was a young teenager I decided to came home from the local mall with a couple of baby turtles. I enjoyed watching them swim around in their fish tank, and would often let them out to run around the house. They were cute little guys that would look out at me quite a bit, and seemed to recognize me as their friend.
Turtles for the most part are actually pretty good pets, but I found cleaning their tank a bit of a tedious chore, the longer I had them, the longer the gaps between their cleaning became. Eventually the tank got so bad I just couldn’t bring myself to try and clean it anymore, and the turtles so filthy I no longer wanted to touch them. I was afraid I might let them die as I did my sea monkeys when I was younger, and still being very fond of them I found looking at them swimming in their muck a bit depressing. Thankfully the pet store which sold them to me was willing to take them back.
Having watched the cleaning of this turtle in the video below, I now realize it didn’t need to be such a chore after all, if only I had thought of using a tooth brush.