True Confessions of a Video Game Junkie

Hi, my name is Scott, and I am a video game junkie.

I am not sure exactly when it all started, I seem to have the vague memories of sitting downstairs at a family friend’s house on New Years day, fondly playing Pong at about the age of six for a few hours, but I am not really sure if that would be the beginning of my addiction. Thinking back, I guess my addiction really started once I had a few too many hours alone with an Atari 2600 video game system given to me one wondrous Christmas morning, I played until I had blisters on my fingers, and yet was still determined to play for many painful hours afterwards, I think I was seven.

Like any good junkie, I have given up mass sums of money, easily spending tens of thousands of dollars over the years, if not hundreds of thousands to feed my insatiable need. I have forgone my health by missing many meals and exercise just to play games. I have called in sick to both school, and work just to get to the next level, and at one particularly troubled period of youth, even stole money to get my fix.

Don’t go feeling sorry for me though, have a good look at the poor kids in this next video, and the good people at Columbia House that try to help them. Spread word to your friends about this, post it in your status on whatever social networking sites you are on, and who knows, you might even save a life.

Will My Next Project Be Better than SEO ?

As some people may have noticed,  recently we have not been doing much work on the website, normally we add about a shirt, or story a day to it, but for the last two weeks I, the website designer, have been busy working on another website for a while.

“Why” you might ask ?

Well, I had a bit of a scary incident here about two months ago. The website, due to my poor website design, had over 1000 images in one folder. This is a problem, because most of the file systems on the Internet, just cant deal with that many images, so my online folder was unreadable, and Google was no longer able to index my images. Google Images are normally a huge amount of our traffic.  We went from about 14,000 unique visitors for the month, down to about 7000. Yikes! We all thought it was the coming of a business apocalypse. We just cant survive on 7000 people.

Now I love Google, but this event made me realize just how much power Google has over me, and my co workers lives. They could put us out of business in the blink of an eye. It’s not Googles fault they are so big, I mean if I really wanted to not support them I could use Bing, but Google’s search engine is just so good, why would I bother, besides what did Bing ever do for me, I think they send us a couple hundred people a month is all, nothing close to what Google sends us. Generally Bing I think is denying most of the general public from seeing fantastic websites like ours. No idea why they do it, not sure if they are just really snobby, or cant cope with the size of the Internet.

So recently I decided that our business living or dying by the grace of the search engines was not such a good idea, and having our own network of websites, might be a good safety net.

So started working on a Guild Wars 2 Forum and website called You see, although I don’t talk about Video Games very much on this website, secretly I am a closet video game addict, and Guild Wars 2 will be my next fix.

Don’t worry faithful followers, it does not mean my strange opinions, and weird stories will stop coming, its just they have been put on hold for the moment while I try and get a forum going that hopefully will soon be talking to one another and having fun. At that point I will be able to spend all my time putting up the funny shirts or blogging again.

Oh here is the Guild Wars 2 teaser trailer if you want to have a look.

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